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The function tests whether graphlet correlations (entries of the GCM) are significantly different from zero.

If two GCMs are given, the graphlet correlations of the two networks are tested for being significantly different, i.e., Fishers z-test is performed to test if the absolute differences between graphlet correlations are significantly different from zero.


  obj2 = NULL,
  adjust = "adaptBH",
  lfdrThresh = 0.2,
  trueNullMethod = "convest",
  alpha = 0.05,
  verbose = TRUE



object of class GCM or GCD returned by calcGCM or calcGCD. See details.


optional object of class GCM returned by calcGCM. See details.


character indicating the method used for multiple testing adjustment. Possible values are "lfdr" (default) for local false discovery rate correction (via fdrtool), "adaptBH" for the adaptive Benjamini-Hochberg method (Benjamini and Hochberg, 2000), or one of the methods provided by p.adjust.


defines a threshold for the local fdr if "lfdr" is chosen as method for multiple testing correction. Defaults to 0.2 meaning that differences with a corresponding local fdr less than or equal to 0.2 are identified as significant.


character indicating the method used for estimating the proportion of true null hypotheses from a vector of p-values. Used for the adaptive Benjamini-Hochberg method for multiple testing adjustment (chosen by adjust = "adaptBH"). Accepts the provided options of the method argument of propTrueNull: "convest" (default), "lfdr", "mean", and "hist". Can alternatively be "farco" for the "iterative plug-in method" proposed by Farcomeni (2007).


numeric value between 0 and 1 giving the desired significance level.


logical. If TRUE (default), progress messages are printed.


A list with the following elements:

gcm1Graphlet Correlatoin Matrix GCM1
pvals1Matrix with p-values (H0: gc1_ij = 0)
padjust1Matrix with adjusted p-values

Additional elements if two GCMs are given:

gcm2Graphlet Correlatoin Matrix GCM2
pvals2Matrix with p-values (H0: gc2_ij = 0)
padjust2Matrix with adjusted p-values
diffMatrix with differences between graphlet correlations (GCM1 - GCM2)
absDiffMatrix with absolute differences between graphlet correlations (|GCM1 - GCM2|)
pvalsDiffMatrix with p-values (H0: |gc1_ij - gc2_ij| = 0)
pAdjustDiffMatrix with adjusted p-values
sigDiffSame as diff, but non-significant differences are set to zero.
sigAbsDiffSame as absDiff, but non-significant values are set to zero.


By applying Student's t-test to the Fisher-transformed correlations, all entries of the GCM(s) are tested for being significantly different from zero:

H0: gc_ij = 0 vs. H1: gc_ij != 0,

with gc_ij being the graphlet correlations.

If both GCMs are given or obj1 is of class GCD, the absolute differences between graphlet correlations are tested for being different from zero using Fisher's z-test. The hypotheses are:

H0: |d_ij| = 0 vs. H1: |d_ij| > 0,

where d_ij = gc1_ij - gc2_ij


# See help page of calcGCD()