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The American Gut data provided by the SpiecEasi package are used for almost all NetCoMi tutorials.

We begin by constructing a single network on genus level, which we analyze using quantitative and graphical methods. Later, we will compare the networks of two groups: Individuals with and without seasonal allergies.

NetCoMi’s main functions are netConstruct() for network construction, netAnalyze() for network analysis, and netCompare() for network comparison. As should become clear from the following examples, these three functions must be executed in the aforementioned order. A further function is diffnet() for constructing a differential association network. diffnet() must be applied to the object returned by netConstruct().

First of all, we load NetCoMi and the data from American Gut Project (provided by SpiecEasi, which is automatically loaded together with NetCoMi).


# Load data sets
data("amgut1.filt") # ASV count matrix
data("amgut2.filt.phy") # phyloseq objext

Data agglomeration

Skip this step if you wish to construct the network at ASV level.

We start by agglomerating the phyloseq object to genus level, named “Rank6” in this data set.

The renameTaxa function is used to rename the taxa according to a defined pattern and to make the genus names unique.

# Agglomerate to genus level
amgut_genus <- tax_glom(amgut2.filt.phy, taxrank = "Rank6")

# Rename taxonomic table and make Rank6 (genus) unique
amgut_genus_renamed <- renameTaxa(amgut_genus, 
                                  pat = "<name>", 
                                  substPat = "<name>_<subst_name>(<subst_R>)",
                                  numDupli = "Rank6")
#> Column 7 contains NAs only and is ignored.

Let’s compare the taxa names before and after renaming them.

#> Taxonomy Table:     [6 taxa by 7 taxonomic ranks]:
#>        Rank1         Rank2               Rank3                      
#> 181016 "k__Bacteria" "p__Firmicutes"     "c__Clostridia"            
#> 191687 "k__Bacteria" "p__Firmicutes"     "c__Clostridia"            
#> 305760 "k__Bacteria" "p__Proteobacteria" "c__Gammaproteobacteria"   
#> 326977 "k__Bacteria" "p__Actinobacteria" "c__Actinobacteria (class)"
#> 28186  "k__Bacteria" "p__Firmicutes"     "c__Bacilli"               
#> 541301 "k__Bacteria" "p__Bacteroidetes"  "c__Bacteroidia"           
#>        Rank4                  Rank5                   Rank6               
#> 181016 "o__Clostridiales"     "f__Ruminococcaceae"    "g__Eubacterium"    
#> 191687 "o__Clostridiales"     "f__Lachnospiraceae"    "g__Clostridium"    
#> 305760 "o__Enterobacteriales" "f__Enterobacteriaceae" "g__Escherichia"    
#> 326977 "o__Bifidobacteriales" "f__Bifidobacteriaceae" "g__Bifidobacterium"
#> 28186  "o__Lactobacillales"   "f__Enterococcaceae"    "g__Enterococcus"   
#> 541301 "o__Bacteroidales"     "f__Porphyromonadaceae" "g__Parabacteroides"
#>        Rank7
#> 181016 NA   
#> 191687 NA   
#> 305760 NA   
#> 326977 NA   
#> 28186  NA   
#> 541301 NA
#> Taxonomy Table:     [6 taxa by 7 taxonomic ranks]:
#>        Rank1      Rank2            Rank3                    Rank4              
#> 181016 "Bacteria" "Firmicutes"     "Clostridia"             "Clostridiales"    
#> 191687 "Bacteria" "Firmicutes"     "Clostridia"             "Clostridiales"    
#> 305760 "Bacteria" "Proteobacteria" "Gammaproteobacteria"    "Enterobacteriales"
#> 326977 "Bacteria" "Actinobacteria" "Actinobacteria (class)" "Bifidobacteriales"
#> 28186  "Bacteria" "Firmicutes"     "Bacilli"                "Lactobacillales"  
#> 541301 "Bacteria" "Bacteroidetes"  "Bacteroidia"            "Bacteroidales"    
#>        Rank5                Rank6             Rank7
#> 181016 "Ruminococcaceae"    "Eubacterium1"    NA   
#> 191687 "Lachnospiraceae"    "Clostridium1"    NA   
#> 305760 "Enterobacteriaceae" "Escherichia"     NA   
#> 326977 "Bifidobacteriaceae" "Bifidobacterium" NA   
#> 28186  "Enterococcaceae"    "Enterococcus"    NA   
#> 541301 "Porphyromonadaceae" "Parabacteroides" NA
taxtab <- tax_table(amgut_genus)
taxtab[taxtab[, "Rank6"] == "g__Eubacterium", ]
#> Taxonomy Table:     [2 taxa by 7 taxonomic ranks]:
#>        Rank1         Rank2           Rank3           Rank4             
#> 181016 "k__Bacteria" "p__Firmicutes" "c__Clostridia" "o__Clostridiales"
#> 189396 "k__Bacteria" "p__Firmicutes" "c__Clostridia" "o__Clostridiales"
#>        Rank5                Rank6            Rank7
#> 181016 "f__Ruminococcaceae" "g__Eubacterium" NA   
#> 189396 "f__Lachnospiraceae" "g__Eubacterium" NA

For example, a “1” has been added to Eubacterium because this genus exists twice: once in the Ruminococcaceae family and once in the Lachnospiraceae family. For association estimation, it is important to distinguish between them, so they are numbered.

Network construction

We use the SPRING package for estimating associations (conditional dependence) between taxa.

The data are filtered within netConstruct() as follows:

  • Only samples with a total number of reads of at least 1000 are included (argument filtSamp).
  • Only the 50 taxa with highest frequency are included (argument filtTax).

Note that the taxa filter is set for demonstration purposes only, but has no effect here because there are only 43 genera in the data set.

measure defines the association or dissimilarity measure, which is "spring" in our case. Additional arguments are passed to SPRING() via measurePar. nlambda and rep.num are set to 10 for a decreased execution time, but should be higher for real data. Rmethod is set to “approx” to estimate the correlations using a hybrid multi-linear interpolation approach proposed by @yoon2020fast. This method considerably reduces the runtime while controlling the approximation error.

Normalization as well as zero handling is performed internally in SPRING(). Hence, we set normMethod and zeroMethod to "none".

We furthermore set sparsMethod to "none" because SPRING returns a sparse network where no additional sparsification step is necessary.

We use the “signed” method for transforming associations into dissimilarities (argument dissFunc). In doing so, strongly negatively associated taxa have a high dissimilarity and, in turn, a low similarity, which corresponds to edge weights in the network plot.

The verbose argument is set to 3 so that all messages generated by netConstruct() as well as messages of external functions are printed.

net_spring <- netConstruct(amgut_genus_renamed,
                           taxRank = "Rank6",
                           filtTax = "highestFreq",
                           filtTaxPar = list(highestFreq = 50),
                           filtSamp = "totalReads",
                           filtSampPar = list(totalReads = 1000),
                           measure = "spring",
                           measurePar = list(nlambda=10, 
                                             Rmethod = "approx"),
                           normMethod = "none", 
                           zeroMethod = "none",
                           sparsMethod = "none", 
                           dissFunc = "signed",
                           verbose = 2,
                           seed = 123456)
#> Checking input arguments ... Done.
#> Data filtering ...
#> 35 samples removed.
#> 43 taxa and 261 samples remaining.
#> Calculate 'spring' associations ... Registered S3 method overwritten by 'dendextend':
#>   method     from 
#>   rev.hclust vegan
#> Registered S3 method overwritten by 'seriation':
#>   method         from 
#>   reorder.hclust vegan
#> Done.

Let’s take a look at the edge list, which contains for each pair of nodes the estimated association, the dissimilarity and the adjacency (= edge weight for weighted networks).

#>             v1           v2         asso      diss      adja
#> 1 Eubacterium1        Dorea  0.003933672 0.7057146 0.2942854
#> 2 Eubacterium1      Pantoea -0.014829516 0.7123305 0.2876695
#> 3 Clostridium1 Eubacterium2  0.095333048 0.6725574 0.3274426
#> 4 Clostridium1   Raoultella -0.012351874 0.7114604 0.2885396
#> 5 Clostridium1        Dorea  0.015673519 0.7015435 0.2984565
#> 6 Clostridium1      Cedecea -0.002316558 0.7079253 0.2920747

We can also use NetCoMi’s plotHeat function to plot the estimated associations.

plotHeat(net_spring$assoMat1, textUpp = "none", textLow = "none")

Network analysis

NetCoMi’s netAnalyze() function is used for analyzing the constructed network.

Here, centrLCC is set to TRUE meaning that centralities are calculated only for nodes in the largest connected component (LCC).

Clusters are identified using greedy modularity optimization (by cluster_fast_greedy() from igraph package).

Hubs are nodes with an eigenvector centrality value above the empirical 95% quantile of all eigenvector centralities in the network (argument hubPar).

weightDeg and normDeg are set to FALSE so that the degree of a node is simply defined as number of nodes that are adjacent to the node.

By default, a heatmap of the Graphlet Correlation Matrix (GCM) is returned (with graphlet correlations in the upper triangle and significance codes resulting from Student’s t-test in the lower triangle). See ?calcGCM and ?testGCM for details.

props_spring <- netAnalyze(net_spring, 
                           centrLCC = TRUE,
                           clustMethod = "cluster_fast_greedy",
                           hubPar = "eigenvector",
                           weightDeg = FALSE, 
                           normDeg = FALSE)
#> Warning: The `scale` argument of `eigen_centrality()` always as if TRUE as of igraph
#> 2.1.1.
#>  Normalization is always performed
#>  The deprecated feature was likely used in the NetCoMi package.
#>   Please report the issue at <>.
#> This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
#> Call `lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings()` to see where this warning was
#> generated.

summary(props_spring, numbNodes = 5L)
#> Component sizes
#> ```````````````            
#> size: 40 2 1
#>    #:  1 1 1
#> ______________________________
#> Global network properties
#> `````````````````````````
#> Largest connected component (LCC):
#> Relative LCC size         0.93023
#> Clustering coefficient    0.33039
#> Modularity                0.41972
#> Positive edge percentage 83.01887
#> Edge density              0.13590
#> Natural connectivity      0.03685
#> Vertex connectivity       1.00000
#> Edge connectivity         1.00000
#> Average dissimilarity*    0.95654
#> Average path length**     1.84125
#> Whole network:
#> Number of components      3.00000
#> Clustering coefficient    0.33039
#> Modularity                0.42746
#> Positive edge percentage 82.24299
#> Edge density              0.11849
#> Natural connectivity      0.03362
#> -----
#> *: Dissimilarity = 1 - edge weight
#> **: Path length = Units with average dissimilarity
#> ______________________________
#> Clusters
#> - In the whole network
#> - Algorithm: cluster_fast_greedy
#> ```````````````````````````````` 
#> name: 0  1 2  3 4 5
#>    #: 1 10 9 12 2 9
#> ______________________________
#> Hubs
#> - In alphabetical/numerical order
#> - Based on empirical quantiles of centralities
#> ```````````````````````````````````````````````                        
#>  5_Clostridiales(O)     
#>  6_Enterobacteriaceae(F)
#>  Clostridium1           
#> ______________________________
#> Centrality measures
#> - In decreasing order
#> - Centrality of disconnected components is zero
#> ````````````````````````````````````````````````
#> Degree (unnormalized):
#> Dorea                   11
#> 5_Clostridiales(O)      11
#> 6_Enterobacteriaceae(F) 11
#> Clostridium1            10
#> Raoultella              10
#> Betweenness centrality (normalized):
#> 2_Ruminococcaceae(F) 0.17274
#> Dorea                0.16599
#> Odoribacter          0.13495
#> 5_Clostridiales(O)   0.12686
#> Faecalibacterium     0.12551
#> Closeness centrality (normalized):
#> 5_Clostridiales(O)      0.83523
#> Clostridium1            0.82623
#> 2_Ruminococcaceae(F)    0.81965
#> Faecalibacterium        0.81242
#> 6_Enterobacteriaceae(F) 0.81208
#> Eigenvector centrality (normalized):
#> 5_Clostridiales(O)      1.00000
#> Clostridium1            0.99952
#> 6_Enterobacteriaceae(F) 0.93828
#> Dorea                   0.88613
#> 3_Lachnospiraceae(F)    0.81654

Visualizing the network

We use the determined clusters as node colors and scale the node sizes according to the node’s eigenvector centrality.

# help page
p <- plot(props_spring, 
          labelScale = FALSE,
          nodeColor = "cluster", 
          nodeSize = "eigenvector",
          title1 = "Network on genus level with SPRING associations", 
          showTitle = TRUE,
          cexTitle = 2.3,
          cexLabels = 1.5)

legend(0.7, 1.1, cex = 2.2, title = "estimated association:",
       legend = c("+","-"), lty = 1, lwd = 3, col = c("#009900","red"), 
       bty = "n", horiz = TRUE)

Note that edge weights are (non-negative) similarities, however, the edges belonging to negative estimated associations are colored in red by default (negDiffCol = TRUE).

By default, a different transparency value is added to edges with an absolute weight below and above the cut value (arguments edgeTranspLow and edgeTranspHigh). The determined cut value can be read out as follows:

#>       75% 
#> 0.3271051

Export to Gephi

Some users may be interested in how to export the network to Gephi. Here’s an example:

# For Gephi, we have to generate an edge list with IDs.
# The corresponding labels (and also further node features) are stored as node list.

# Create edge object from the edge list exported by netConstruct()
edges <- dplyr::select(net_spring$edgelist1, v1, v2)

# Add Source and Target variables (as IDs)
edges$Source <- as.numeric(factor(edges$v1))
edges$Target <- as.numeric(factor(edges$v2))
edges$Type <- "Undirected"
edges$Weight <- net_spring$edgelist1$adja

nodes <- unique(edges[,c('v1','Source')])
colnames(nodes) <- c("Label", "Id")

# Add category with clusters (can be used as node colors in Gephi)
nodes$Category <- props_spring$clustering$clust1[nodes$Label]

edges <- dplyr::select(edges, Source, Target, Type, Weight)

write.csv(nodes, file = "nodes.csv", row.names = FALSE)
write.csv(edges, file = "edges.csv", row.names = FALSE)

The exported .csv files can then be imported into Gephi.

Network with Pearson correlation as association measure

Let’s construct another network using Pearson’s correlation coefficient as association measure. The input is now a phyloseq object.

Since Pearson correlations may lead to compositional effects when applied to sequencing data, we use the clr transformation as normalization method. Zero treatment is necessary in this case.

A threshold of 0.3 is used as sparsification method, so that only OTUs with an absolute correlation greater than or equal to 0.3 are connected.

net_pears <- netConstruct(amgut2.filt.phy,  
                          measure = "pearson",
                          normMethod = "clr",
                          zeroMethod = "multRepl",
                          sparsMethod = "threshold",
                          thresh = 0.3,
                          verbose = 3)
#> Checking input arguments ... Done.
#> 2 rows with zero sum removed.
#> 138 taxa and 294 samples remaining.
#> Zero treatment:
#> Execute multRepl() ... Done.
#> Normalization:
#> Execute clr(){SpiecEasi} ... Done.
#> Calculate 'pearson' associations ... Done.
#> Sparsify associations via 'threshold' ... Done.

Network analysis and plotting:

props_pears <- netAnalyze(net_pears, 
                          clustMethod = "cluster_fast_greedy")

     nodeColor = "cluster", 
     nodeSize = "eigenvector",
     title1 = "Network on OTU level with Pearson correlations", 
     showTitle = TRUE,
     cexTitle = 2.3)

legend(0.7, 1.1, cex = 2.2, title = "estimated correlation:", 
       legend = c("+","-"), lty = 1, lwd = 3, col = c("#009900","red"), 
       bty = "n", horiz = TRUE)

Let’s improve the visualization by changing the following arguments:

  • repulsion = 0.8: Place the nodes further apart.
  • rmSingles = TRUE: Single nodes are removed.
  • labelScale = FALSE and cexLabels = 1.6: All labels have equal size and are enlarged to improve readability of small node’s labels.
  • nodeSizeSpread = 3 (default is 4): Node sizes are more similar if the value is decreased. This argument (in combination with cexNodes) is useful to enlarge small nodes while keeping the size of big nodes.
  • hubBorderCol = "darkgray": Change border color for a better readability of the node labels.
     nodeColor = "cluster", 
     nodeSize = "eigenvector",
     repulsion = 0.8,
     rmSingles = TRUE,
     labelScale = FALSE,
     cexLabels = 1.6,
     nodeSizeSpread = 3,
     cexNodes = 2,
     hubBorderCol = "darkgray",
     title1 = "Network on OTU level with Pearson correlations", 
     showTitle = TRUE,
     cexTitle = 2.3)

legend(0.7, 1.1, cex = 2.2, title = "estimated correlation:",
       legend = c("+","-"), lty = 1, lwd = 3, col = c("#009900","red"),
       bty = "n", horiz = TRUE)

Edge filtering

The network can be sparsified further using the arguments edgeFilter (edges are filtered before the layout is computed) and edgeInvisFilter (edges are removed after the layout is computed and thus just made “invisible”).

     edgeInvisFilter = "threshold",
     edgeInvisPar = 0.4,
     nodeColor = "cluster", 
     nodeSize = "eigenvector",
     repulsion = 0.8,
     rmSingles = TRUE,
     labelScale = FALSE,
     cexLabels = 1.6,
     nodeSizeSpread = 3,
     cexNodes = 2,
     hubBorderCol = "darkgray",
     title1 = paste0("Network on OTU level with Pearson correlations",
                     "\n(edge filter: threshold = 0.4)"),
     showTitle = TRUE,
     cexTitle = 2.3)

legend(0.7, 1.1, cex = 2.2, title = "estimated correlation:",
       legend = c("+","-"), lty = 1, lwd = 3, col = c("#009900","red"),
       bty = "n", horiz = TRUE)

Using the “unsigned” transformation

In the above network, the “signed” transformation was used to transform the estimated associations into dissimilarities. This leads to a network where strongly positive correlated taxa have a high edge weight (1 if the correlation equals 1) and strongly negative correlated taxa have a low edge weight (0 if the correlation equals -1).

We now use the “unsigned” transformation so that the edge weight between strongly correlated taxa is high, no matter of the sign. Hence, a correlation of -1 and 1 would lead to an edge weight of 1.

Network construction

We can pass the network object from before to netConstruct() to save runtime.

net_pears_unsigned <- netConstruct(data = net_pears$assoEst1,
                                   dataType = "correlation", 
                                   sparsMethod = "threshold",
                                   thresh = 0.3,
                                   dissFunc = "unsigned",
                                   verbose = 3)
#> Checking input arguments ... Done.
#> Sparsify associations via 'threshold' ... Done.

Estimated correlations and adjacency values

The following histograms demonstrate how the estimated correlations are transformed into adjacencies (= sparsified similarities for weighted networks).

Sparsified estimated correlations:

hist(net_pears$assoMat1, 100, xlim = c(-1, 1), ylim = c(0, 400),
     xlab = "Estimated correlation", 
     main = "Estimated correlations after sparsification")

Adjacency values computed using the “signed” transformation (values different from 0 and 1 will be edges in the network):

hist(net_pears$adjaMat1, 100, ylim = c(0, 400),
     xlab = "Adjacency values", 
     main = "Adjacencies (with \"signed\" transformation)")

Adjacency values computed using the “unsigned” transformation:

hist(net_pears_unsigned$adjaMat1, 100, ylim = c(0, 400),
     xlab = "Adjacency values", 
     main = "Adjacencies (with \"unsigned\" transformation)")

Network analysis and plotting

props_pears_unsigned <- netAnalyze(net_pears_unsigned, 
                                   clustMethod = "cluster_fast_greedy",
                                   gcmHeat = FALSE)
     nodeColor = "cluster", 
     nodeSize = "eigenvector",
     repulsion = 0.9,
     rmSingles = TRUE,
     labelScale = FALSE,
     cexLabels = 1.6,
     nodeSizeSpread = 3,
     cexNodes = 2,
     hubBorderCol = "darkgray",
     title1 = "Network with Pearson correlations and \"unsigned\" transformation", 
     showTitle = TRUE,
     cexTitle = 2.3)

legend(0.7, 1.1, cex = 2.2, title = "estimated correlation:",
       legend = c("+","-"), lty = 1, lwd = 3, col = c("#009900","red"),
       bty = "n", horiz = TRUE)

While with the “signed” transformation, positive correlated taxa are likely to belong to the same cluster, with the “unsigned” transformation clusters contain strongly positive and negative correlated taxa.

Network on genus level

We now construct a further network, where OTUs are agglomerated to genera.


# Agglomerate to genus level
amgut_genus <- tax_glom(amgut2.filt.phy, taxrank = "Rank6")

# Taxonomic table
taxtab <- as(tax_table(amgut_genus), "matrix")

# Rename taxonomic table and make Rank6 (genus) unique
amgut_genus_renamed <- renameTaxa(amgut_genus, 
                                  pat = "<name>", 
                                  substPat = "<name>_<subst_name>(<subst_R>)",
                                  numDupli = "Rank6")
#> Column 7 contains NAs only and is ignored.

# Network construction and analysis
net_genus <- netConstruct(amgut_genus_renamed,
                          taxRank = "Rank6",
                          measure = "pearson",
                          zeroMethod = "multRepl",
                          normMethod = "clr",
                          sparsMethod = "threshold",
                          thresh = 0.3,
                          verbose = 3)
#> Checking input arguments ...
#> Done.
#> 2 rows with zero sum removed.
#> 43 taxa and 294 samples remaining.
#> Zero treatment:
#> Execute multRepl() ... Done.
#> Normalization:
#> Execute clr(){SpiecEasi} ... Done.
#> Calculate 'pearson' associations ... Done.
#> Sparsify associations via 'threshold' ... Done.

props_genus <- netAnalyze(net_genus, clustMethod = "cluster_fast_greedy")

Network plots


  • Fruchterman-Reingold layout algorithm from igraph package used (passed to plot as matrix)
  • Shortened labels (using the “intelligent” method, which avoids duplicates)
  • Fixed node sizes, where hubs are enlarged
  • Node color is gray for all nodes (transparancy is lower for hub nodes by default)
# Compute layout
graph3 <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(net_genus$adjaMat1, 
                                              weighted = TRUE)
lay_fr <- igraph::layout_with_fr(graph3)

# Row names of the layout matrix must match the node names
rownames(lay_fr) <- rownames(net_genus$adjaMat1)

     layout = lay_fr,
     shortenLabels = "intelligent",
     labelLength = 10,
     labelPattern = c(5, "'", 3, "'", 3),
     nodeSize = "fix",
     nodeColor = "gray",
     cexNodes = 0.8,
     cexHubs = 1.1,
     cexLabels = 1.2,
     title1 = "Network on genus level with Pearson correlations", 
     showTitle = TRUE,
     cexTitle = 2.3)

legend(0.7, 1.1, cex = 2.2, title = "estimated correlation:",
       legend = c("+","-"), lty = 1, lwd = 3, col = c("#009900","red"), 
       bty = "n", horiz = TRUE)

Since the above visualization is obviously not optimal, we make further adjustments:

  • This time, the Fruchterman-Reingold layout algorithm is computed within the plot function and thus applied to the “reduced” network without singletons
  • Labels are not scaled to node sizes
  • Single nodes are removed
  • Node sizes are scaled to the column sums of clr-transformed data
  • Node colors represent the determined clusters
  • Border color of hub nodes is changed from black to darkgray
  • Label size of hubs is enlarged

     layout = "layout_with_fr",
     shortenLabels = "intelligent",
     labelLength = 10,
     labelPattern = c(5, "'", 3, "'", 3),
     labelScale = FALSE,
     rmSingles = TRUE,
     nodeSize = "clr",
     nodeColor = "cluster",
     hubBorderCol = "darkgray",
     cexNodes = 2,
     cexLabels = 1.5,
     cexHubLabels = 2,
     title1 = "Network on genus level with Pearson correlations", 
     showTitle = TRUE,
     cexTitle = 2.3)

legend(0.7, 1.1, cex = 2.2, title = "estimated correlation:",
       legend = c("+","-"), lty = 1, lwd = 3, col = c("#009900","red"), 
       bty = "n", horiz = TRUE)

Let’s check whether the largest nodes are actually those with highest column sums in the matrix with normalized counts returned by netConstruct().

sort(colSums(net_genus$normCounts1), decreasing = TRUE)[1:10]
#>             Bacteroides              Klebsiella        Faecalibacterium 
#>               1200.7971               1137.4928                708.0877 
#>      5_Clostridiales(O)    2_Ruminococcaceae(F)    3_Lachnospiraceae(F) 
#>                549.2647                502.1889                493.7558 
#> 6_Enterobacteriaceae(F)               Roseburia         Parabacteroides 
#>                363.3841                333.8737                328.0495 
#>             Coprococcus 
#>                274.4082

In order to further improve our plot, we use the following modifications:

  • This time, we choose the “spring” layout as part of qgraph() (the function is generally used for network plotting in NetCoMi)
  • A repulsion value below 1 places the nodes further apart
  • Labels are not shortened anymore
  • Nodes (bacteria on genus level) are colored according to the respective phylum
  • Edges representing positive associations are colored in blue, negative ones in orange (just to give an example for alternative edge coloring)
  • Transparency is increased for edges with high weight to improve the readability of node labels
# Get phyla names
taxtab <- as(tax_table(amgut_genus_renamed), "matrix")
phyla <- as.factor(gsub("p__", "", taxtab[, "Rank2"]))
names(phyla) <- taxtab[, "Rank6"]

# Define phylum colors
phylcol <- c("cyan", "blue3", "red", "lawngreen", "yellow", "deeppink")

     layout = "spring",
     repulsion = 0.84,
     shortenLabels = "none",
     charToRm = "g__",
     labelScale = FALSE,
     rmSingles = TRUE,
     nodeSize = "clr",
     nodeSizeSpread = 4,
     nodeColor = "feature", 
     featVecCol = phyla, 
     colorVec =  phylcol,
     posCol = "darkturquoise", 
     negCol = "orange",
     edgeTranspLow = 0,
     edgeTranspHigh = 40,
     cexNodes = 2,
     cexLabels = 2,
     cexHubLabels = 2.5,
     title1 = "Network on genus level with Pearson correlations", 
     showTitle = TRUE,
     cexTitle = 2.3)

# Colors used in the legend should be equally transparent as in the plot
phylcol_transp <- colToTransp(phylcol, 60)

legend(-1.2, 1.2, cex = 2, pt.cex = 2.5, title = "Phylum:", 
       legend=levels(phyla), col = phylcol_transp, bty = "n", pch = 16) 

legend(0.7, 1.1, cex = 2.2, title = "estimated correlation:",
       legend = c("+","-"), lty = 1, lwd = 3, col = c("darkturquoise","orange"), 
       bty = "n", horiz = TRUE)