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This demonstrates how to use the NetCoMi workflow when you already have an association matrix on which to base the network.

The QMP data set provided by the SPRING package is used to demonstrate how NetCoMi is used to analyze a precomputed network (given as association matrix).

The data set contains quantitative count data (true absolute values), which SPRING can deal with. See ?QMP for details.

nlambda and rep.num are set to 10 for a decreased execution time, but should be higher for real data.


# Load the QMP data set

# Run SPRING for association estimation
fit_spring <- SPRING(QMP, 
                     quantitative = TRUE, 
                     lambdaseq = "data-specific",
                     nlambda = 10, 
                     rep.num = 10,
                     seed = 123456, 
                     ncores = 1,
                     Rmethod = "approx",
                     verbose = FALSE)

# Optimal lambda
opt.K <- fit_spring$output$stars$opt.index
# Association matrix
assoMat <- as.matrix(SpiecEasi::symBeta(fit_spring$output$est$beta[[opt.K]],
                                        mode = "ave"))
rownames(assoMat) <- colnames(assoMat) <- colnames(QMP)

The association matrix is now passed to netConstruct to start the usual NetCoMi workflow. Note that the dataType argument must be set appropriately.

# Network construction and analysis
net_asso <- netConstruct(data = assoMat,
                         dataType = "condDependence",
                         sparsMethod = "none",
                         verbose = 0)

props_asso <- netAnalyze(net_asso, clustMethod = "hierarchical")
#> Warning: The `scale` argument of `eigen_centrality()` always as if TRUE as of igraph
#> 2.1.1.
#>  Normalization is always performed
#>  The deprecated feature was likely used in the NetCoMi package.
#>   Please report the issue at <>.
#> This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
#> Call `lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings()` to see where this warning was
#> generated.

     layout = "spring",
     repulsion = 1.2,
     shortenLabels = "none",
     labelScale = TRUE,
     rmSingles = TRUE,
     nodeSize = "eigenvector",
     nodeSizeSpread = 2,
     nodeColor = "cluster",
     hubBorderCol = "gray60",
     cexNodes = 1.8,
     cexLabels = 2,
     cexHubLabels = 2.2,
     title1 = "Network for QMP data", 
     showTitle = TRUE,
     cexTitle = 2.3)

legend(0.7, 1.1, cex = 2.2, title = "estimated association:",
       legend = c("+","-"), lty = 1, lwd = 3, col = c("#009900","red"), 
       bty = "n", horiz = TRUE)